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- Questions & Answers
- Is their any other benefit of stretching other than relaxing muscle and preventing future injury?
- I avoid soft drinks. Instead I prefer fresh juices. Is that a good thing?
- Hey there. What do you think about the "Afterburn Effect". Is it really something effective or just a myth?
- I have been working out for the past 6 months. I lost 6kgs initially but it's been 2 months now that I have not lost anything
- How to make sure you can implement your diet 100%
- If i eat 1kg milk choclate before sleeping , what will happen?
- Popular Workouts - Are they any good for you
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- Video Gallery
- Smith Stiff Legged Deadlift
- Smith Machine Shoulder Press - DC Training - Second Cycle
- Soltane Ghalbha
- Bulgarian Sandbag OMNIfarious Islamabad
- Samira's 60kg Squat @53kg BW
- 250Kg Trap Bar Deadlift (Thick Grip - Limited ROM)
- Lying Leg Curl + Partials
- High Rep Smith Squat
- Facepull (hitting the infraspinatus, teres minor & subscapularis hard) - OmniFarious Islamabad
- Flat Bench Press - Rest.Pause - DC Training - Second Cycle - Moez Aryan
- Single Arm Barbell Inverted Row
- 115lbs Meadows Rows for 20 reps
- Smith Squats - DC Widowmaker
- Samira Cardio Strength Training!
- Bulgarian Sandbag Swing at OmniFarious Islamabad
- Single Arm Pulldown - Omnifarious Gym - Islamabad
- T-Bar Rows - Mehrdad - Islamabad Gym
- Scissor Crunches
- Single Arm Barbell Row - 140lbs - Moez Aryan - Omnifarious.net.pk
- Smith Machine Squats - www.moezaryan.com
- Smith Chest Press - DC Training - Rest Pause
- Incline Smith Bench Press - 190lbs -Moez Aryan - DC - Rest/Pause
- Stability Ball Reverse Hyperextensions
- Inverted Neutral Grip Row
- Watch what your friends think of Omnifarious!
- Sam Squatting 119lbs for 20 Reps at 116lbs Bodyweight
- Ken at Omnifarious - Islamabad's Authority in Exercise & Nutrition
- Reactive Training
- Seated Shoulder Press - Rest.Pause - DC Training - Second Cycle - Moez Aryan
- EZ Bar Tricep Extension to chin
- Dips Between Benches
- Core Stabilizer Exercise - The Plank
- Omnifarious's Music Classes
- EZ Bar Triceps Extension - DC Training - Rest.Pause - Second Cycle
- DC Training - Rest/Pause - Upright Dips
- 45lbs Kettlebell Snatch for 3 sets of 30
- Kettlebell Single Arm Overhead Swing
- Widowmaker Leg Press - DC Training
- Back Squats
- 300lbs Squat 18 months after 3rd surgery (No belts no nothing)
- Hell Yeah! 266lbs Hip Thrust at 50kgs BW
- Samira's Lower Body Workout
- Prone Jacknife
- 120Kg (264lbs) Hip Thrust by a FEMALE! July 2011
- Above Parallel Chain Squat - Islamabad's Top Gym
- Sample Arm Workout - Islamabad Gym
- Smith Stiff Legged Deadlift
- Ladies! Ditch the Treadmill
- Heel-Elevated Close Stance Squat For The Vastus Medialis
- Incline Bench Leg Raise
- Pronated Kickbacks
- Widow-maker Squats - DC Training
- Persian Push Up
- High Knee Step Up
- Shoulder Width Pull Up - DC Training - 2nd Cycle