The Omni Shena Movement - the Ultimate Fusion of Ancient training techniques of BALANCED development and proprioception with the newest findings in the sciences related to human anatomy, physiology and above all psychology AND transpersonal psychology.
Being born into a family of anatomist and mechanical engineers Moez picked up personal training as his career and has been a double shift practicing movement specialist, manual therapist, nutritionist, physical therapist, a strength coach and a life coach for the past two decades helping thousands of people regain their zeal. He is also a multi instrumentalist performing and teaching meditative music with roots in ancient Middle East. For 30 years the question of pain (physical or mental - can’t be separated) has been the dinner table topic every night. After working with people from all walks of life with different limitations and aspirations, and after years of constant focused research and practice he believes he has finally hacked the code to wellness, centredness and wholesomeness where you keep feeling better and better over time with training rather than stiffer and more tensed over the years. The conclusion of the school of thought he intends to promote in physical training and mastery over the self, is that it’s all within you. It BEGINS there and it ENDS there. Moez hopes to have left teaching people how to tap into this unlimited energy source within his legacy. He keeps saying “I am not marketing my school. I’m preaching it. Because it works all the time. For all the people. Because we base and ALIGN the structure from the ground before getting it onto its warrior mode. |
Since Moez has worked with a tremendous variety of people over the years personally and very closely, the spectrum of his sessions can cover people suffering all sorts of body aches and tensions up to challenging the most well trained warriors. Moez has been studying and implementing various schools of fitness and nutrition over the years and his tried and tested approach has moved from the outward-to-inward to a complete opposite of inward-to-outward process of awakening your physical intuitions on the floor on all four on a special board specially designed as a meter and focus point to set the balance from ground up! Building the structure, strong BUT with balance and intergrity developing the craziest joint articulation and connective tissue formation while opening the deepest fascial lines and meridians all of which is missing in modern practices of physical training cause all sorts of havoc in the greatest psycho-bio-engineered piece ever invented - the human body. He believes man has to work it from the inside out. Always. |
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This is a structured program focused on enhancing:

In advanced stages Moez will help you reach ecstatic transpersonal spaces within your mind unlocking all the repressed energies that make you eat and devour everything mindlessly, making you tired no matter how much you sleep and constantly making you hate movements and activities more and more developing even more fragile and off-balance joints.
Moez was looking for a system that will cover everything from A to Z and he thinks he has found his own General Theory of Relativity.
A holistic program to enhance your overall quality of life. | This stuff is NOT to be missed. |